Sunday, July 10, 2011

A Bannana Knows it's a Bannana.

Summer time in the wondrously colorful, brilliant, hot and smoggy city of Toronto.
Life is looking pretty good. Parents were off to China for two weeks. I managed to shit disturb the living fuck out of almost everything around me, and get a nice tan.
Last night at around two in the morning after a long and excruciatingly painfully awkward family reunion and to much to drink, a weird thought crept into my strange little mind about my oh-so-interesting life which lead me to wake my jet-lagged father up in a rather panicky state.
(Life lesson for my dad: drinking whiskey doubles all night with your six brothers DOES in fact lead to a deep sleep which sounds like the crazy hybrid baby of a lion with a smokers cough and vacuum cleaner on steroids.)
In his groggy state, I began to ramble on about how I was going to apply to college or university next year and "Oh, FUCK Dad, I can't possibly decide what I want to go into right now, I'm sixteen and I can barley make up a decision about what I want to eat for dinner, let alone manage monetary issues and personal hygine!"
I mean, actually, in my state of mind I was bawling and on the brink of a nervous break down.  
As I continued to ramble on to my half-drunk and half-asleep father, I began to talk about how I didn't know what I wanted because,

My Fathers reply to his daughters inebriated meltdown?

A banana is a banana, it doesn't go out and off into this big wide world on an adventure only to find out it is a banana. The banana knows its a goddamn banana.

As much as this is not your typical father-daughter feel good bonding moment, this little tidbit of consolidation was really quite comforting.
Yes, he did compare me to a banana if you look at it literally. But what he is actually saying is really brilliant. 

You are who you are. Stop complaining because you don't know what you want to do with your life. You don't need some defining moment where clouds part and the hand of God, Buddah, Mohamed, Jesus or Russel Brand comes out and claims that LOW AND BEHOLD you are meant to do this with that because you are the "Chosen one."
We don't need to go on some life changing journey to Rome, India and Bali to finally realize that everything you need in life is good food, spirituality and love.
All you need to do is be aware of yourself and you'll be all good.

After all, A banana is a banana.

On a side note, I'm obsessed with both of these. I will own them even if it means selling my family.