Tuesday, February 22, 2011

I can think clearly now. My mind is gone...

Today was a wonderful waste of time. I accomplished a lot by doing almost nothing. For me, nothing consists of pondering the wonders of life, lying on my back mind numbingly stoned and listening to the middle quarter of the Beatles anthology. The entire time I was perched on my back resembling a beached whale with red eyes, it never once occurred to me there were things I needed to start or finish, or things which were swaying in and out of the rather foggy gray area of neither-here-nor-there. I was content to waste time, waste my life, and enjoy what was happening that moment (which at that point was somthing between and Octopuses Garden and Golden Slumbers). 
So this made me think about why it is we never take time, to waste time. There is always something to be done, something to think about, speak about, hear about or watch something on TV about something... Why do we never take a moment out of our "crucially important"schedules to just sit back and waste time doing something menial and actually, really very random which doesn't require brain power, physical power or a steady cash flow. 
I urge you to try it. Put off your next assignment a few hours, or days. Fuck that ________(insert employer, wife, teacher)! She/he is a demanding bitch anyways and needs to loosen up as well. You can always bullshit yourself to prevent from whatever situation you put yourself in. The main thing is you relaxed and took the time to waste a little. 
I did it all day today, and believe me, it was much needed after four days of emotional and physical trauma. So what if I have two tests and a over due project.
I can think clearly now. My mind has gone...

Sweater-My chic stoner garb from Coin-fabulous department store in Italy. Lace tank- Mossimo Supply Co. Tatget (shhhh!).  Jeans- My go to skinny's wear them all day, er'day from Levis. Belt- self altered but the original is from Guess. Headband- Self made...and actually a necklace. Shoes- Crazy Cracked up child of the "Gay man pull over" and the stiletto ankle boot.

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