Monday, December 6, 2010


over·dose definition
Pronunciation: /ˈō-vər-ˌdōs/
- "An excessive dose" too great an amount. A lethal or toxic amount.

Aysha Kirks, otherwise known as a godess of intoxication, semantics and fanatic indulgences. Or possibly fanatic overindulgences. But lets face it; life is only what you make of it.Some choose to blend in like bricks in a wall, conforming too everyday customs and newspeak.But; I would rather be a be a vibrant sea slug in this shallow alcove of crustaceans. Whatever the fuck sea slug is....
Every day beauty pass you buy and all we manage to look without seeing, hear without listening and touch without feeling. It has become seemingly obvious that scociety has to stop daydreaming and start living.
So, take a hit. Pass it on. Sit back, become the beat of the music. And in the word of The Sound Union "Slow Ride, take it easy."

Or fuck it and OVERdose.

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